How to get to Chalet 12

Address of CHALET 12
NaturaPark Resort Harrachov
Harrachov 673
512 46, Harrachov
Czech republic

Check-in: 14:00-20:00
Check-out: till 11:00.

Operational contact
(in case of personal contact, or any problems)
+420 723 592 924

Description of the arrival
Way to our chalet is very well signposted. If you could not find the right way - the ideal is to go to Harrachov to Hotel Sklář. Our Chalet 12 is located in close proximity. The complex is a barrier. If you will be pulled down - only after ringing - you report that you go to your chalet and immediately begins operation inside.

Contact – accommodation

Phone: +420 723 592 924


Commercial Information

Swissotel, s.r.o.
Harrachov 673
512 46,  Harrachov
Czech republic

Reg. ID No.: 04579097
VAT: CZ04579097

For any questions, please contact us.

services, length of stay, price and other information consult at

+420 723 592 924